Mainstream porn is not for us.

We’ve always relied on our imaginations. But when we exhaust them, where do we look for new inspiration? Here. We created Aurore to turn you on and help turn others on.

We’re here to tease, to educate, to inspire. We’re building a community that empowers people to express their sexuality through writing. We want to remind each other that sex can and should be good.

Aurore is a safe place to collect your hook-up stories—the sex you can’t forget—and read others’ best stories as well. It’s modern literary erotica, it’s honest, it’s relatable, and it’s real (mostly).

Aurore is a feminist, inclusive destination for the full spectrum of great sex to unfold, unwrap, and unravel. Once you’re here, you’ll want to stay.


This is (AURORE)

read porn.