GET TURNED ON writing workshop IV

Click to open the folder with materials.

Watch the workshop recording & download the workbook above.

Workshop reminders:

*Everything is an invitation—if a particular prompt feels too much for you in any way, skip it. Come back to it later or never.

Create an altar/writing space/mood & vibe — Gather:

Something drinkable like a cup of tea, coffee, sparkle water

Something with life force, for ex: a plant, a comfort animal, flowers, crystals

Something that makes your body feel good—lotion, oil, a silky robe, a cozy blanket

Something fragrant ie. candle, incense, a splash of perfume

Something to write in/on—a journal, or you can write on your computer

The second half of the session is devoted to peer editing!

The group edit doc is here.

If you haven't added your work yet, you may still do so.

Be sure to provide any context/content warnings and if you want feedback/edits/or just to be witnessed

Please review peer editing guidelines below:

-You may directly edit your own piece if you notice errors/want to make changes

-All other edits/suggestions/feedback should be in the form of a comment (not suggested edits) *even if it's a typo*

-All feedback/comments should be gentle. Start with "I think" and offer a suggestion

-Don't pile on—if someone's already made a comment, no need to reiterate

-No negative comments/feedback, who needs that?!

-Be generous with compliments! Leave comments on things you like

by Aurore